Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In the Beginning Was God

Kingdom Kids RC

In the Beginning Was God

Key Concepts:
God Was in the Beginning
God=Father, Son, and Holy Ghost all three in one

Memory Verse: John 1:1 In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was God.
Put on Board in Big Letters.

Opening Activity: Obstacle Course: Memorizing portions of memory verse at each portion of the course.

Make a small course from the chairs down one side of room. Course will be wide enough for 2 children to go at one time. The children will hop on one foot through the course repeating…In the beginning…In the beginning…In the beginning…While they hop)
Second Part of course. We will get in a circle and do the hoola hoop pass. When the hoola hoop passes from one to another everyone will repeat …was the Word…Was the Word….Was the Word.
Basketball Throw: Will have two basketballs and 2 large trashcans. They will throw the basketball until ringing the can saying….And the Word was… and the Word was…And the Word was
Climbing up short 2 step stool and jumping off saying….God
Walk to the Board and jump to touch and say…John 1:1 which is written at the very top of the Board
Start obstacle course over once again.

Large Group – Discuss before there was any thing God was there. (No form and was dark)

Object Lesson: God as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Bring Loaf Bread, Peanut Butter and Jelly. As you discuss our Triune God present the Father as the Bread, spread Peanut Butter as Jesus, and top with Jelly as the Holy Ghost.
Discuss how all of this is Sandwich but there are 3 parts to it in comparison with three parts to GOD.

Small Groups
Go back to the beginning. Teacher will talk with kids at their tables. What do they think
was before the earth and there was only God present?

Large Group
The lights will be turned off and then back on. Moderator will discuss that the earth at the beginning was void and had no form.

Snack in small groups, letting them fix own sandwich. Leaders debriefing with kids the key concepts taught.

Sword Training: Old Testament
Each child will take a Bible from the table. Leader will ask them to look up Genesis 1:1
Waiting until everyone has found the scripture. Let all the children read the verse aloud.

Go over the first 4 books of the Old Testament. Have everyone chanting the books at the same time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Books of the New Testament - Review

Kingdom Kids RC

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved unto God…

Key Concept
To know how and be able to find book, chapter and verse in Bible

Opening Activity: New Testament Blocks - Each table will have a set of blocks with the books of the New Testament on them. Each group will work together as a team to see who can put the books in order starting with Matthew. If a team needs help, they can ask a teacher in their group. We will not use the Bible or the Book Markers. Each table must finish before the activity ends. (Bill & Gail)

Memory Verse – Will go over the memory verse first. Moderator will call on a boy and girl to lead the class using the motions to learn the memory verse. One side of room will compete against the other side to see who can say the loudest. Boys will compete the next time against the girls. (Bev)


Sword Drill – Will choose 5 scriptures all from the New Testament Books. The kids will all have a Bible in front of them. Each child will raise their hands in the air until moderator calls out book, chapter and verse. The child that finds the book, chapter and verse will stand and read aloud. Moderator will then call on a child from each table one at a time to come up and call out the book, chapter and verse that the moderator has chosen. The child that finds the book, chapter and verse first will stand and read. (Orlando)

New Testament Chant – Mrs. Sherrie is preparing a chant with the New Testament Books. Two tables will chant the first time and then they will say “and now it’s your turn” so the other two tables will say the same thing. The chant will go back and forth until we all go through the New Testament Books. At the end everyone will start at the first book and go to the end of the New Testament together. (Sherrie)


Thursday, November 06, 2008

God Needs a Man/ Abraham is Chosen

Opening Activity: Celebration Center (Cha-cha slide)

Review Rules: (optional)

Lesson Concepts: God Needs a Man
  • God made Adam – he disobeyed. People became wicked.
  • God chose Noah and saved him & his family – People again disobeyed and became wicked.
  • God chose Abram and called him to obey.

Lesson In Action:
Facilitator: Ann
Timeline Review – Three visiting Characters
  • Adam–(Jimmy) God made me and was my friend. I failed him and disobeyed.
  • Noah-(Larry) Man was very wicked. God called me to build an ark to save the animals and my family. After the flood man became wicked and disobeyed God.
  • Abram–(Josh) After the flood, Noah and his sons had many children. After many years there were many people on the earth again. They built cities and became very busy with their lives. Most of them became very wicked and disobeyed God. But not me. I loved God. I remember how he saved Noah and his family and when the other kids became wicked and disobeyed God, I did not. One day, God called me and told me to leave my family and my friends and go to a far away land that He would show me. I had to decide if I loved God more than my family and my friends, I had to choose to obey God or to disobey him.

Memory Verse: By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place. Heb. 11:8

  • How about you? Will you obey God? Do you love God enough to obey Him?

Altar Call
  • Individual Counseling for Salvation – (Sherry & Jimmy)
  • Deeper commitment-for ones remaining.

Father Abraham Song

Sword training-
  • Put names in Bibles
  • Look up memory verses to this point

  • Candy for Bibles (to be given getting off bus)-Marie, Ann
  • Willie George Salvation Materials- Sherry
  • Cha-cha Slide/CD player – Ann

Books of the New Testament

Kingdom Kids RC

Books of the Bible

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved unto God….
Call on a few of the children to go over the memory verse with the motions. - Bev

Welcome - Welcome and recognize any new children and tonight we will recognize a new teacher to our group – Mrs. Kathy Bohannon. We will give the children the opportunity to tell their names to Mrs. Kathy. (Gail)

Key Concept:
Importance on how to use the Bible
Knowing the New Testament Books

Go over Rules: Respect, Hands Down, Participate (Gail)

Activity: Ball Pass – the children will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will go to one corner of the room and form a circle. Adults will also get in the circles with the children. The Moderator will give an adult a large ball. The adult will hand the ball over their head to the next child in line. That child will call out Matthew and then that child will pass the ball through their legs to the next child and they will call out Mark and then pass to the next one over the head and that child will call out Luke. The group will keep passing the ball over the head and through the legs until all the books have been called out through Revelations. If the child does not remember the book, the whole group will call out the answer. (Gail)


Sword Training: Moderator will go over the rules. First remember our rule of respect when someone is talking or you will not be able to hear the scripture given out. Moderator will have a bowl containing strips of paper with scriptures on them. Moderator will pick one from the bowl and read it aloud to the group. Call out words slow and be precise where children can understand your words. The child who finds the scripture first will stand and read the scripture when others find the scripture.
This gives them opportunities to find book, chapter and verse but it also gives them an opportunity to read aloud before the group. Teacher will follow along in each group just in case they need help with words. Know your group if you know of someone who cannot read. Do something different. If you see that the same person finds the scripture every time. Change your rule in midstream. Create opportunities for others to read. You may choose the 2nd or 3rd person to read the scripture. Keep score on the board by group
(Sherrie & Kathy)

Summarize (Bev)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Unit: God is Love
God Created Me

Sunday/Wednesday November 9th and November 12th.

Power Verse: God made me
The students will have a better understanding that God created Adam, Eve, and their families.
Vocabulary: Created (made), purpose (job)
Early Arrival Activity (whole group):
The students will start creating a classroom banner by adding something to the banner each service. This will be done over a period of time.

Game: duck, duck ( then they say a person's name that they know)

Memory Verse (Susan)

Offering: Rita

Bible Story (whole group-babies return to nursery)

Puppet skit-telling the story of Adam of Eve (Matthew/Bill-Sunday) (Betty & Rita-Wednesday)

Crafts/Activities (small group based on age)

Group1 (4 yrs. - kindergarten) and Group 2 (2-3 yrs.)
Students create a banner using finger paint ( this craft is the opening activity)

Can put a handprint on the banner with assistance from the teachers

Snack: fish crackers


  • old sheet
  • finger paint (washable)
  • paint shirts
Kingdom Principle: God created us to be creative