Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Techne or Techie?

So I have a question regarding yesterday's post.

Do you do things technologically or with a techne. See we have oversimplified the word in America and now technology is seen as mechanical and cold. There isn't any art required to be a techie.

I say REVOLT. NO MORE TECHIES!!! Ok no I'm not saying kill all of the Sci Fi Freaks because I would be at the top of your hit list.

It's bigger than the geeky term techie that we often apply the genre to. No Techies are all around us everyday. They get so caught up and worried about the details that they forget about the art. I watched someone recently who looked worried sick about a great opportunity they had. They wanted to know exactly what all would be needed and when and where and how. Now don't get me wrong, that is all important information. But they never even paused long enough to be excited about the opportunity.

So here are some basic rules on returning to a techne! A spectacular art!


2. Art should be fun, if you aren't having fun break something until it is!

3. Art has passion, AND life, AND excitement. Any one of the three left out and you are more of a techie than a techne-ist!

4. Other people should enjoy your art, even if it is laughing at it.

5. Which brings me to ... You should be able to laugh at your art.

6. Art has color! Not neccesarily red and blue and green, but it has contrast, vibrancy, it "SAYS something" other than what it obviously says.

7. Artists' are FREAKS. Ever met one? The great ones are REAL FREAKS!

8. Artists' are obsessed with detailed but focused on how to make the details fit with the big picture. They know the power of the picture is in the details, but the picture is BIG. They enjoy the big picture and appreciate the details.

So I have one question. Where are you going to stop being a techie and start being a Techne-ist?

ps. yes I know that techne-ist is not a word you will find in the dictionary... got anything better and I'll use it from now on!

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