Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yes it's more on leadership

Leadership... it's not what you think.

I have decided that leadership is not about what we have always thought it was about. It is not about the dominating direction setting characteristics that we have always given it.

Leadership, as it has always been, is influence. It just so happens that in most situations that the dominant, command centering, vision setting person is the one who leads best, however...

I watched this week as a team of leaders... STRONG LEADERS... fell apart. They are great individuals. They can do anything you ask them to by themselves. They can come up with vision, strategy, purpose, ANYTHING that you need. But put them together and they fall apart. The fact is that they are great leaders as long as they are leading followers. The problem comes when they are no longer leading followers, but leading leaders. It's a whole new ballgame. Everything they thought they knew about leadership just got turned on its ear.

The person who ended up being the greatest leader in my eyes was the person who barely said a word. The one who sat quietly and observed. I know one thing.. he was thinking.

And until the leaders around him discover that the key is there then it will just sit there quietly. He won't actually be leading, but he will be waiting, holding the key that will unlock them. However, he isn't able... correction ... he isn't allowed to release that key for all the aggressive "leaders" around him. (IF YOU THINK YOU KNOW WHO or WHAT I'm talking about THINK AGAIN)

Leadership is influence, but when leading leaders you must find a new way to influence. You must find a way to value their supply and then build that supply into the whole. If you have to have your way, if you cannot allow other people to fail, if you have to win... you aren't gonna make it as a leader nor as a team.

Leaders hate to fail, yet it is the only way that you can lead real leaders. Give them the chance to fail. No more hotshots, no more lone rangers, no more supermen... Become a team... or die.

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