Friday, September 08, 2006

Tell me more? Was Steve too passionate?

Ok, I’ve had some great responses, but not enough!

Let me give a little more reference. Was Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) too passionate?

I know what I think and I am holding onto my thoughts for now, you’ll know them soon enough. TELL ME MORE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Passion is the driving force in my life. It drives me toward certain people. It drives me to act a certain way. It drives me to do the things I do. So, could you say, you have too much Emilee. Passion for everyone is different, but ultimately is what determines how we think, what we pursue, who we are. I cannot see a way to have too much passion. It is entirley possible that I am wrong, but I cannot see it. And really, what is the purpose in debating about it? I am passionate, like it, lump it, or leave it.

Anonymous said...

I think passion is such an abstract concept its hard to measure it. But, I do have an opinion...amazingly enough. I don't think you can be too passionate, not in the big scheme of things. But I think you CAN be too passionate for the people around you. You CAN be too passionate for your limited ability. And I think you CAN be to passionate for your level of influence. I know very ambitious and passionate people with no fruit. So, for me, they are too passionate for their level of influence. Or maybe they display too much passion for their level of influence... I'm starting to confuse myself.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that Steve was too passionate. Yes, ultimately his passion got him killed but so did Apostle Paul's passion (and Jesus too for that matter). Would you want to look them in the eye and say "if you had been less passionate, you wouldn't have died"? For any of these men, they knew death was coming, but that didn't stop them. For the Crocodile Hunter, I think it was a freak accident. I think that the forces of nature he was dealing with and studying and passionate about were unpredictable. He wasn't an uneducated guy, trying to get famous, and acting indestructable (I think back to the Grizzly Man) - he certainly wasn't trying to act like a Croc or a shark or a sting ray. He studied and knew the animals he worked with - their behaviors, their patterns, their boundaries, and even their quirks. He knew that once he entered into their "zone" that they could over power him. I believe he died doing what he loved. And I agree with Em, my passion is who I am (it defines me) - so to kill my passion, you would have to kill me! (And that is a very scary statement to make for the first time).

Anonymous said...

The struggle for me in life is never am I too passionate, it is I am not passionate enough. I have the passion, but how often do I let others REALLY see it? Not very. (Not that they can't see it, but I convince myself that they can't.) Why? It's simple, approval. I believe that everyone has me pegged as this one certain type of person, and when I act like anything other than what they think I am, they will no longer like me. I quess my worst fear in life would be for everyone to turn their back on me, and leave.
So for me I am going to pursue purpose, passionatly at all costs. I am going to look like a fool, act like a fool, be embarassed, made fun of, laughed at, fail, succed, get it right, lead others, let my true colors shine and TRY to enjoy the journey. If that is what it takes for me to become who I really am, I am ready to accept that. I am completely sold out. (Or at least I am sold out to the degree I know how to be right now.) There is no price that could be paid, for me to sell out. And as for being too passionate, if there is ever a point in my life when I become too passionate I am going to trust my leaders to help me self-discover that. And until that time, I am going to pursue purpose with everything I am today, with the hope of becoming someone more tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say that Steve was not passionate then I thought about it and it's possible that he was really passionate. Passion for something should be for something you really like to do. If you have ever watched Steve he really did love what he did. He just got crazy doing what he liked to do. To some that may be wrong in what he was doing, but to him he liked it, he even got his whole family involved. Yes and I even thought he was not to smart--but who am I to put a damper on his passion. I surely would not want no one messing with what I was so passionate about. Like they say different strokes for different folks. We get to choose what we want to die for.