Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ok Life is hectic and I'm making excuses!

Ok so I haven't posted in quite some time. I want to thank Paul for his continued support and sending me some fantastic posts. Christmas time has been rather busy for me... and I've also been a little bummed that less of you have been posting. If this is going to be a center for change and transformation, then I expect someone to challenge something that somebody says!

Apathy kills. It kills when you sit and watch someone else do something stupid, it kills when you let people fall away from their core and you just sit idly by.

So yes I'm making excuses for not posting... so don't let me! Call me out on the carpet. Don't let me quit! Otherwise I just think I'm not very missed and why bother. And if that IS the case then I will continue to not post! LOL

So don't let your apathy kill me and I won't let mine kill you!