Tuesday, January 27, 2009

GUTS 1/28/2009 - Change Wk 3 of 3


Wednesday 1/28/09

Change Wk 3


How do I change?

  • Ingredients for change

    • Meditating Word of God.

    • Confessing Word of God.

    • Targeted Faith & Prayer

    • Relationships (Church)

    • Pain – we often don't change until there is some type of pain of staying the same

    • Tongues

What are tongues?

  • The EVIDENCE that you are filled with the Holy Spirit

    • Tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit; like any gift, you have to decide to receive it

    • EVIDENCE that we are believers- Mark 16:17

    • Just as a receipt is evidence you bought something, tongues is evidence that you have been filled with the Holy Spirit


    • Allows us to communicate with the Father. He is always with us- so we have a constant fellowship with Him

Why are tongues necessary?

  • Permanent change happens in your spirit, not with your circumstances; some things won’t change without tongues

    • Matthew 17:20-21

  • Pray Spirit-to-spirit

    • John 16:12-15

    • Guide us to truth by praying His perfect will

    • Builds up our new nature (edification) and encourages our faith

    • Pray the Unknown (mysteries)

  • Connection with God

    • John 14:16-17

    • We have POWER. The power which is of God is now manifested in our lives.

    • God is always with us and always in fellowship with us. GOD IS OUR 24/7 PHONE-A-FRIEND.

How can I receive tongues? How can I use it in my life?

  • You have to recognize that your heart needs to change (Mark 7:14-23)

  • You have to know that in your own strength and might, you cannot fix yourself. That’s why the Holy Spirit was sent to us- John 16:12-15

  • Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (tongues)

  • Commit to praying in tongues daily to strengthen our faith, pray God’s perfect will [for our lives]l, give thanks and allow God access into our everyday lives

We want the students to leave knowing: We have many tools for change. However, permanent change begins in the spirit. Tongues is the evidence that our spirit is connected to God through the Holy Spirit, and because God is all-knowing and loves us, He helps us make the changes necessary to fulfill His perfect will for our lives.

Pre-Class Activity: (until 7:00PM)

As everyone comes into service, they will be given a small survey sheet, asking 5 questions about tongues.

  • Once they have answered the questions, it will be dropped in a bucket and tallied by Kaveri, who will put the information on PowerPoint for presentation later in the night

Teacher Note: Kaveri, Anessa and Mrs. Gail will help tally up the surveys for the PowerPoint presentation. I would like to see the number of “Yes” vs. “No” so I can present it as the survey says. **Please see the surveys and final sheet as has been emailed with this plan.**

Once everyone is seated we will ask them to change seats.

Welcome/Recap/Offering (7:00-7:05PM)

Kellee will talk about ATF...April 17-18.

We will ask everyone to change seats once again at this point.

Purpose: To start the night off with lots of fun energy and to get everyone thinking in the direction that will be heading for the night.

Apple Peeling Game (7:05-7:10PM)

The entire room will be divided up into 4-5 small groups and attempt to peel an apple with the following tools:

  1. Pencils- CHRISTE (in GUTS class)

  2. Straws- FRED (in Hole in Wall- behind bar)

  3. Spoons- SHARON (in GUTS class)

  4. Screwdrivers- TONY

  5. Scissors- KELLEE

  6. Guitar Picks- RICKY

Teacher Note: Each teacher will be responsible for gathering their own “tools.” Groups a-d will be the default groups. If we need up to 2 additional groups, we will utilize e & f.

Purpose: To provide a visual that there is a specific tool for specific jobs. When it comes to peeling an apple, a knife or peeler is the right tool. When it comes to change, the right tools are needed to provide the right changes in your life

Ingredients of Change” (7:10-7:30PM)

Briefly explain what we mean by change: permanent v. temporary change

  • Permanent change starts in spirit.- Temporal change starts in mind

  • Permanent change changes me – Temporal change changes circumstances

  • Sometimes permanent change starts with temporary change. Put yourself under law.

Although we have talked about change (what it is and standards) and the necessity for it, we have not discussed HOW to change.

We will begin the skit here, stating that we are going to make a “Cake of Change.” The cake is a metaphor of the change, which will take place in our lives.

Each ingredient will be labeled with one of the tools for change as discussed on Sun Night or Wed Night:

  • Egg = PAIN




  • Baking Soda = FASTING

  • Sugar, Vanilla and Salt = TARGETED FAITH & PRAYER

All of the ingredients will be placed neatly and with care on a table so that all can see. All the ingredients that need to be measured will be measured.

I will begin making our “cake.” All the ingredients will fall directly on the table. We are missing one main component to hold all of our ingredients- A BOWL/PAN.

Teacher Note: I will bring all the necessary ingredients for this part since I already have most of them at home. I decided to “crash” the ingredients on the table that way youth towards the back will be able to see also.

Purpose: To illustrate that tongues is the component of our spiritual walk that “gels” and consolidates our meditating, confessing, relationships and faith because it gives our spirits direct access to God.

What is Tongues? (7:30-7:35PM)

Purpose: To properly define what tongues are.

**At this time we will reveal the answers to the survey questions the youth answered at the beginning of the night. I will present the answers to the entire group with the help of a PowerPoint presentation.**

Tongues are essentially 2 things:

  • Evidence that we are believers and filled with the Holy Spirit- Mark 16:17

  • A prayer language that allows us to communicate with God- John 14:16-17

Why Are Tongues Necessary? (7:35-7:55PM)

Purpose: To explain why tongues are necessary in our lives


  1. Permanent change won’t occur in your life without tongues.

  2. Pray out of our spirit and build up our new nature (edification)

  3. It is our ultimate connection with God

* This connection gives us POWER because it is a direct source from God- this is how change occurs, miracles happen, our spirit man is build up

**Activity to Illustrate “The Power: (7:55PM-8:00PM)

Ricky will put on his electric guitar. He will strum it a few times without any connection.

  • We are able to do good things as we are. We are able to pray (strum!), worship (strum!), confess the word (strum!) and be faithful and committed servants to our Father.

  • However, our connection with God through the gift of the Holy Spirit [tongues] (Ricky will then take his guitar cable and hook it into an amp or the house monitors) allows an electrifying power to surge our new nature and amplify the things of God in our lives (The house speakers need to be extremely loud at this point, so that when Ricky strums the guitar, the sound is booming. This will over-exaggerate the illustration of the power tongues brings to our lives.

How do I receive Tongues? (8:00-until end of class)

Purpose: To give each youth the opportunity to receive the gift of speaking in tongues, the first step to permanent change in their lives.

A few things need to be in place in order to receive the gift of tongues:

    1. Salvation- you need to be saved.

    2. You are receiving a gift of the Holy Spirit, not the Holy Spirit himself

    3. Choose to receive the gift of tongues

    4. Pray daily

We will do an altar call for the following purposes:

  1. Receive Salvation (if necessary)

  2. Receive the Holy Spirit

  3. Receive grace to become “unstuck” in your prayer life

Teacher Note: We need to make sure that youth who are not in the altar call are assigned to some capacity to help with drapes and catchers. We also need about 2 teachers (Ricky and Kellee, if not occupied) to help keep watch of the overall service, identifying where help is needed and when. All the other teachers can be involved in the line.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

GUTS 1/21/09 Plan - Change Wk2


Wednesday 1/21/09

Change Wk 2


What is change?

  • Dictionary.com - “to make the form, nature, content, future course of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.”

  • Permanent change vs Temporary Change

    • Permanent change starts in spirit.- Temporal change starts in mind

    • Permanent change changes me – Temporal change changes circumstances

Why don't we change?

  • We don't think we need to.

  • Procrastinate

    • I'll change later when so-and-so happens”

    • I'm young, I have my whole life to work on that”

  • We think we're right.

    • I'm not changing who I am”, “That's just how I am”

  • Takes too much effort/time

  • Nobody else has to change.

    • All my friends are just enjoying themselves, they aren't worried about changing.

  • I'm not the problem.

    • The problem is my parents, school, neighborhood, skin color...etc.

Why do we need to change?

  • God has a standard for His children.

    • Eph. 5:1 – Be imitators of God.

    • Standard - “a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment or comparison”

  • To reach maturity

    • We have to change to meet the other standards in our life.

      • You have standards at school, work, and home.

    • We have to change to be able to survive what happens in life.

  • God has a plan for you.

    • We have to change so that God can accomplish His plan for our life.

      • We are created perfectly how God wants us.

      • But, when we enter this world we are bent out of shape.

        • We are bent by a fallen world.

        • We are bent by people.

        • We are bent by experiences.

      • We have to change and be bent back into shape to accomplish the plan of God.

How do I change?

  • Tools for change

    • Meditating Word of God.

    • Confessing Word of God.

    • Targeted Faith & Prayer

    • Relationships (Church)

    • Tongues

    • Pain – we often don't change until there is some type of pain of staying the same

We want the students to leave knowing: God has a plan for me & I need to change to accomplish that plan. God has given me the tools I need to change and I know what my first step is.

Once everyone is seated we will ask them to change seats.


Recap of last week:

What happened last week? How did we do with what we wrote on our popsicle sticks?

Kellee will talk about ATF...April 17-18.

We will ask everyone to change seats once again at this point.

Purpose: To start the night off with lots of fun energy and to get everyone back on the same page.

Stronghold Drama

Vickie and the team will do the stronghold drama.

We will ask everyone to change seats once again at this point.

Purpose: To provide a visual of change and breaking down strongholds.

Change is Bad”

Briefly explain what we mean by change. We are talking about permanent change, not temporary change.

  • Permanent change starts in spirit.- Temporal change starts in mind

  • Permanent change changes me – Temporal change changes circumstances

  • Sometimes permanent change starts with temporary change. Put yourself under law.

We will ask everyone to change seats once again at this point.

Most of us view change as a bad thing. Why do we resist change? After changing seats we will discuss the following:

  • How did it feel to be asked to change seats?

  • Did you view changing seat as an opportunity to sit with someone new or as an uncomfortable and undesirable change?

  • What are some things that make us resistant to change?

Purpose: To communicate what we mean by “change” and discover how we view change.

Change is Hard” (Small Groups)

One of the reasons we resist change is that it can be hard. We will now transition into our small groups. Each group leader should have an index card (you may need a few extras in case they rip it) and a pair of scissors. You will give them the following instructions. “Your team must cut a hole in this index card big enough for you to fit one of your team members through it.” Assure them that it is possible. After they have either accomplished the challenge or time has elapsed we will come back together as a whole group.

  • How does it feel when you are asked to do something so hard?

  • How do you react when the task seems impossible?

    • Do you give up? I'll never change. It's just the way I am.

    • Do you try to justify? None of the other groups are getting it done either.

    • Do you just joke about it?

    • Do you become angry?

Change is possible and change is necessary. So why should I even go through all of this?

Purpose: To provide a hands-on activity that seems impossible, and to discover how we react to seemingly impossible situations.

Why Should I Change?

  1. God has a standard that he expects His children to live by. Ephesians 5:1 says to be an imitator of God.

  2. The world has standards.

  3. God has a plan for you and you have to change for him to accomplish His plan.

  • We are bent out of shape and have to be bent back into what God created us to be.

  • Like the index card, we have to be changed to accomplish what we alone can't do.

I will show how to cut a hole in the index card big enough for me to fit through.

God wants to do what seems impossible in our lives. He has to cut things from us, and bend us, and stretch us into shape. But as long as we resist change, we have bound God's hands. I see us doing an altar call at this point for a couple of different things:

  • I'm in pain, I'm tire of the way things are, and I'm ready to change.

  • I know I need to change, but I don't know where to start.

  • I don't care, and I need God to break me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

God is Always With Me

Kingdom Kids Preschool Department Lesson Plans
Jan. 21, & 25
Theme: (2 month theme)
Jan/Feb- God is always with me (this is also our power verse)
Objective (What is the essential element or nugget that you want these children to leave with?): God uses children to fulfill His purposes and protects them.
Early Arrival activities

Slide show of sheep, lions, and bears playing in the background with noise.
David: God had a plan for him as a young child. He was faithful by taking care of the sheep. He fought off lions, bears using puppets and/or skit.

o Lion and Bear bowling (Wed)
o Lion, Lion, Bear (Duck, Duck, Goose) (Sun)
Craft: (Describe the craft; tell how it goes together, materials needed, if assistance will be needed for the children. Two year olds there will probably need to be some assistance depending on the craft.)
• Sunday: Chinese Lions
• Wednesday: Creating their own bear puppet
Sunday Snack:
Animal crackers and fruit
Susan-animal crackers

God is Always With Me

Kingdom Kids Preschool Department Lesson Plans
Theme: (2 month theme)
Jan/Feb- God is always with me (this is also our power verse)
Objective (What is the essential element or nugget that you want these children to leave with?): God was with Jesus from birth just like he is with them.
Early Arrival activities (These should be activities that any child can participate in no matter what time they arrive and can end at the time when class is scheduled to start; Wed.-7:00, Sun.-10:00. Also, explain how the games are played, what is needed, and who will be responsible for the activity.):
• Dramatic play-role playing- mom, dad, grandparents, etc…
o Then do a fashion show
Story (Please list the story and how it will be presented; skit, puppets, felt board etc… and tell what will be happening. If you are doing a skit-, write out the parts. If you are using felt board pieces list how you will use them. For example, will the children be helping you place them on the board, etc…?)
Story is about Moses as a baby. How God took care of him when the Pharoah was going around killing the 2 yr old boys and God had a plan for him to become a leader to lead His people out of Egypt.
Wed: Show the very first part of the Prince of Egypt where Moses is a baby in a basket in the river.
• This is to be shown using a computer and the infocus machine and a large white sheet.
Sun: The children can re-inact the story of Moses

Games: (Please describe how games are played and what is needed for each game)
• Relay race-
o Teachers with water bottles to squirt them as they come down the river as they scoot down on the scooters. There is a mom at one end of the river and the princess at the other end to represent the baby leaving his mom and going to the princess.
o Hide baby Moses to hunt
Craft: (Describe the craft; tell how it goes together, materials needed, if assistance will be needed for the children. Two year olds there will probably need to be some assistance depending on the craft.)
• Sunday: Baby Moses Craft
• Wednesday: Edible craft-wheat thins, squeeze cheese, raisins
Sunday Snack:
Blue Jello-to represent water, and gummy bears to represent Moses

Wheat thins-Susan
Blue Jello-Ronda