Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Insecurity vs In Security

Ever feel insecure? Ever seen it lead to major problems? I know I have and I know I've caused major problems because of my own insecurity. Somewhere we have to make a mental adjustment that takes us from "insecurity" to being "in security".

Let's start by looking at the word security. In Latin it comes from the words "se" for "without" and cura for "care". So it actually roots back to a word meaning without care.

The challenge that we face is knowing what to be secure in and what not to be secure in. There are some places that I truly believe a little bit of insecurity is warranted. As a matter of fact, I am finding that there are many things in my life that I have always thought were "bad" or "good" because that is the way that I was taught, that I am now finding have neither a negative or positive connotation.

The problem is that man has created the standard that determines "bad" or "good" so that anything we experience can only be evaluated by our own standards and what we know.

For example. Here in America we consider the word "damn" to be a cuss word. However, when I was 13 I went on a mission trip to Australia. Needless to say I was rather shocked to hear a political statesman speaking to a group of First graders use the word damn repeatedly. In their culture, the word has no differnt meaning that you and I saying "shoot" or any other word.

Suddenly, my very standard of measurement has been assaulted and the "rules system" that I live by has to be altered.

So here is the issue, insecurity comes when we derive our success and our existence by our ability to interpret the rules in front of us and feel that we are secure. It is following the law for fear of its consequences instead of following it in the faith of its outcomes.

See real security comes when you are comfortable with the rule maker. (Maybe you are the rule maker). As long as you are trying to conform to everyones rule then you will never be secure. Because as we have said before... you can fool some people all the time ... and all the people some of the timel.... but you just can't please or fool everyone all of the time!

I think the greatest challenge is looking at what it is that is assaulting our "rules system". Is it the way someone reveals who they really are... does that bother you? Is it the fact that they did something that broke your system of protocal. Maybe your system is messed up!

What was the last time someone broke your rules system and made you freakin uncomfortable? When was it that you got "assaulted" only to find out in retrospect that what they did wasn't near as bad as you saw it? Maybe you are even going through it right now... who has completely ticked you off lately... do you need to evaluate if its just them confronting a rules system in your life that is based merely on perception and tradition?

Just a thought! I want to know about you! I'll be looking forward to the comments.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


I thought I knew what fear was. I think my mistake was that I made it the same thing as intimidation. I was wrong.

I thought I was past simply being afraid... like a little kid that is afraid of the dark or someone who has a deathly fear of clowns. I was wrong.

When everything you have existed for and known is suddenly turned into a burning blaze of question marks... now I have a little more taste of fear.

It has been years since I dreaded the next moment ... the next breath... the next answer. Guess the wait didn't cure it.

I can't reveal why I'm in this fear (it's none of your business), but I will tell you this. It is humbling. It will take every beam of support that isn't truly founded and crush it upon the shores of life. It stirs up every dead thing from the ocean's floor and sends it crashing and mixing into what I thought was a crystal clear pool of life.

It is so odd. I used to would have said that fear was related to the unknown... but I'm finding it is much more based in the known. My fears manifest based on what I know (or at least what I think I know).

I think fear is good and bad and neither one all at the same time. There is a part of me that says if my fears go unconfirmed and that mercy and grace are manifested that it will be the most glorious thing I've ever seen. Another part of me wrenches in pain at the thoughts that my fears might be correct. And at the same time I realize that it isn't the outcomes that make the fear but the anticipation.

Maybe that's why they say the fear of the Lord is clean and as a sweet smelling savor. The expectation of His greatness will keep us in fear and trembling. The knowing how great He is and how frail and stupid I am.

I'm not condoning living a life in fear of satan... I'm saying that if you never become afraid you don't realize how precious the things that you actually have are. The question resides in what you let bring "fear" to your life.

At this very moment as I write this a fear that I haven't experienced... probably in my entire life... overwhelmes me, and at the same time I have the greatest respect and value for what I have, that I have had in my entire life.

Fragile... Fragile.... Fragile.... Everything is sooooo fragile and so priceless.

It takes you fr

Friday, February 09, 2007

Check this out!!!

Hey gang. I had a friend from work and a fellow blogger to send me the following link yesterday. After checking it out it has to be one of the best compilations on marketing that is out there! Check it out (especially the top ten!).


If you have questions about how to get it set to burn feeds to you your feedreaders just send me comments I'll be glad to help!