Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Christmas Story

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Theme: The Christmas Story
Power Verse: God Made Me
Objective: The children will learn that Jesus is the best gift of all.
Greeter: Susan
Bathroom duty: Melody
Early Arrival Game: Randy

* Game #1:Nativity Bowling
o Wisemen will be taped to the bowling pins

Praise/Worship: Rita (Make sure you know where the music is)
Power Verse: Rita
Story: Wanda & Randy

* The story of the Wisemen bearing gifts to Jesus using flannel graph pieces.


Craft: (Wanda)

* Children will cut out 3 wisemen figurines and put on popsicle sticks. 2-3 yrs olds will have them pre-cut prior to class time. The children will color them before putting them on the sticks.


* flannel graph board and pieces
* wisemen cut outs
* popsicle sticks
* crayons
* glue

Sunday, Decmeber 14, 2008

Objective: The children will learn that Jesus is the best gift.

Greeter: Susan

Bathroom: Melody (this is a position that will rotate monthly by the women)

Early Arrival activities: (Melody)

Game #1: Children will make sheep out of cotton balls, clothes pins, eyeballs and Popsicle sticks.

Opening: Puppet skit-Randy
Topic: Giving

Praise/worship: Wanda

Power Verse: Randy

Story: Susan and Faith

* children will dress as characters in the Nativity as Faith tells the story and directs the children
* Puppet Skit-Randy??????( I need to know what it is about. I cannot just put puppet skit on the blog)


Craft: Christmas tree ornament using puzzle pieces (Melody)

Materials needed:

* Costumes for Nativity story
* glue
* glitter
* crowns for kings
* boxes as gifts (Wanda)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Traditional Change Addicts has moved!



God & Abraham

Key Concepts:
  • Recap Abraham to Isaac
  • Sand
  • Stars
  • Story of Sarah

Opening Activity: Duck tape skiing beginning with 2 and adding- Marie

Large Group: God & Abraham
Cards: Obey Great Promise

Memory Verse: Review all from beginning of Abraham

Decorate bags and make Christmas cards

School age: Lisa

Preschool: Jimmy & Sherry

Swordtraining: as needed

  • White bags -Lisa
  • Glitter pens
  • Christmas stickers
  • Puff Paint
  • Markers – Lisa
  • Crayons – on site
  • Construction paper
  • Christmas cards - Marie
  • Glitter glue
  • Sissors
  • Duck Tape – Jimmy
  • Card

Next Week:
  • Sock puppets
  • Pompoms – Lisa
  • Glue gun- Jimmy
  • Puff paint red, black,
  • Glitter pens
  • Yarn –Marie
  • Hot glue- Marie/Jimmy

Isaac the Promise - Part 1 - Is anything too hard for God?

Key Concepts:
  • Trust in God
  • Is anything too hard for God?
  • Stars & Sand

Opening Activity:
  • Trust jump for under 4 yrs.
  • Log pass school age and above

Large Group:
  • Visit from Sarah: telling story from Sarah’s perspective (Lisa)
  • Explain how kids can trust God with their future (Larry)

Memory Verse: Genesis 18:14 Is anything too hard for God

  • School age: Sand art in baby food jars. Tell the promise of Abraham’s children as the sand of the seashore. Each student will write or have written what they are believing God for in their lives. Then paper will be inserted into the sand as the jar is filled. Hot glue lids onto jars when filled. (Ann lead teacher)

Preschool: Make a picture of colored glitter stars younger children telling story or the promise of God. (Lisa & Sherry)

Swordtraining: as needed

  • Baby food jars with lids (25) Marie
  • Hot glue gun – Jimmy & Marie
  • Colored sand – Ann
  • Black Construction paper – Lisa
  • Bottles of glue – Lisa
  • Pans for glitter - Ann
  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Shower curtains
  • Paper strips
  • Pens

Abraham & the Promise

Lesson 10

Key Concepts:
  • God’s Promises Dominion, Protection, Greatness/Blessing
  • God keeps his word
  • Patience
  • Obedience
  • Covenant
  • Family

: Divide into 3 mixed age groups (Elyse)

Opening Activity:
  • Father Abraham Song Ann
  • Flag Game Josh/Jimmy
  • Ones with Bibles Blessed – give Blessed tickets-no time outs with flag pulled
  • All others sit out very still for one minute before returning to game

Large Group: Obedience = blessing Marie
  • Timeline: Review of memory verses
  • Adam blessed with dominion. Obedience
  • Noah blessed with protection. Obedience
  • Abraham blessed with greatness. Obedience

Memory Verse:
Genesis 12:2b, 3b And thou shalt be a blessing: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Small Group Activities:
  • Your Are a Family
  • Stand up 2-4-6- build up to whole group if possible
  • Pryamid continue until one large group
  • Lap sit


  • Tape big square for flag tag
  • Flags-Elyse
  • Another colored flag for ones who are Blessed
  • Memory Verse poster

*Please note that we need two colors of flags

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Christmas Story

Wednesday Night 12-3-08 Sunday Morning 12-7-08

Greeter: Susan-

Greeters must be there by 9:30 for Sunday and 6:30 for Wednesday night, to start checking children in

Bathroom: Melody

–take children as they arrive-record 2 year olds bathroom breaks

Early arrival activity: (Bill-Sunday) (Rita-Wednesday)

· Game #1-donkey scooter race-put a donkey tail on each scooter and the children race to the finish line

· Game #2-donkey pull- children ride on a long donkey and it is pulled by a teacher the first person wears a donkey ears and hee-haws

· Game #3-students will cut out a star cookie to be cooked for their snack.

10:00/7:00 Praise and Worship: Wanda

  • Babies return to their room

Power Verse/Offering: Randy-Sunday, Susan-Wednesday

Children take old flashlights and answer a series of situations relative to their ages by shining their lights if the person is showing Jesus to others.

Story: Sunday:

Susan and Dr. Blue, Wednesday-Rita (flood lamp)

The birth of Jesus

· Hunt for Jesus (while twinkle)-children will look for the star that shows them where Jesus is. (location-CE building). Then they will come back and the story will begin. The star had to shine bright to show them where Jesus was. When we are at school, stores, ballgames, we can shine bright to show that Jesus lives inside of us and to show who Jesus is.

· Do bathroom break at this time before moving into the craft/snack/games


students will create their own Christmas star-Wednesday (I will bring the items for this)

Sunday-nativity activity

Game: 2yr room-Susan, 4yr. room-Randy

Christmas Star toss- Using bean bags-a board will be made with objects on it along with about two or three Christmas Stars. Students are to take turns tossing their beanbags trying to get them on the stars. Like tic-tac-toe

Sunday Snack: Sugar cookie stars

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In the Beginning Was God

Kingdom Kids RC

In the Beginning Was God

Key Concepts:
God Was in the Beginning
God=Father, Son, and Holy Ghost all three in one

Memory Verse: John 1:1 In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was God.
Put on Board in Big Letters.

Opening Activity: Obstacle Course: Memorizing portions of memory verse at each portion of the course.

Make a small course from the chairs down one side of room. Course will be wide enough for 2 children to go at one time. The children will hop on one foot through the course repeating…In the beginning…In the beginning…In the beginning…While they hop)
Second Part of course. We will get in a circle and do the hoola hoop pass. When the hoola hoop passes from one to another everyone will repeat …was the Word…Was the Word….Was the Word.
Basketball Throw: Will have two basketballs and 2 large trashcans. They will throw the basketball until ringing the can saying….And the Word was… and the Word was…And the Word was
Climbing up short 2 step stool and jumping off saying….God
Walk to the Board and jump to touch and say…John 1:1 which is written at the very top of the Board
Start obstacle course over once again.

Large Group – Discuss before there was any thing God was there. (No form and was dark)

Object Lesson: God as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Bring Loaf Bread, Peanut Butter and Jelly. As you discuss our Triune God present the Father as the Bread, spread Peanut Butter as Jesus, and top with Jelly as the Holy Ghost.
Discuss how all of this is Sandwich but there are 3 parts to it in comparison with three parts to GOD.

Small Groups
Go back to the beginning. Teacher will talk with kids at their tables. What do they think
was before the earth and there was only God present?

Large Group
The lights will be turned off and then back on. Moderator will discuss that the earth at the beginning was void and had no form.

Snack in small groups, letting them fix own sandwich. Leaders debriefing with kids the key concepts taught.

Sword Training: Old Testament
Each child will take a Bible from the table. Leader will ask them to look up Genesis 1:1
Waiting until everyone has found the scripture. Let all the children read the verse aloud.

Go over the first 4 books of the Old Testament. Have everyone chanting the books at the same time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Books of the New Testament - Review

Kingdom Kids RC

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved unto God…

Key Concept
To know how and be able to find book, chapter and verse in Bible

Opening Activity: New Testament Blocks - Each table will have a set of blocks with the books of the New Testament on them. Each group will work together as a team to see who can put the books in order starting with Matthew. If a team needs help, they can ask a teacher in their group. We will not use the Bible or the Book Markers. Each table must finish before the activity ends. (Bill & Gail)

Memory Verse – Will go over the memory verse first. Moderator will call on a boy and girl to lead the class using the motions to learn the memory verse. One side of room will compete against the other side to see who can say the loudest. Boys will compete the next time against the girls. (Bev)


Sword Drill – Will choose 5 scriptures all from the New Testament Books. The kids will all have a Bible in front of them. Each child will raise their hands in the air until moderator calls out book, chapter and verse. The child that finds the book, chapter and verse will stand and read aloud. Moderator will then call on a child from each table one at a time to come up and call out the book, chapter and verse that the moderator has chosen. The child that finds the book, chapter and verse first will stand and read. (Orlando)

New Testament Chant – Mrs. Sherrie is preparing a chant with the New Testament Books. Two tables will chant the first time and then they will say “and now it’s your turn” so the other two tables will say the same thing. The chant will go back and forth until we all go through the New Testament Books. At the end everyone will start at the first book and go to the end of the New Testament together. (Sherrie)


Thursday, November 06, 2008

God Needs a Man/ Abraham is Chosen

Opening Activity: Celebration Center (Cha-cha slide)

Review Rules: (optional)

Lesson Concepts: God Needs a Man
  • God made Adam – he disobeyed. People became wicked.
  • God chose Noah and saved him & his family – People again disobeyed and became wicked.
  • God chose Abram and called him to obey.

Lesson In Action:
Facilitator: Ann
Timeline Review – Three visiting Characters
  • Adam–(Jimmy) God made me and was my friend. I failed him and disobeyed.
  • Noah-(Larry) Man was very wicked. God called me to build an ark to save the animals and my family. After the flood man became wicked and disobeyed God.
  • Abram–(Josh) After the flood, Noah and his sons had many children. After many years there were many people on the earth again. They built cities and became very busy with their lives. Most of them became very wicked and disobeyed God. But not me. I loved God. I remember how he saved Noah and his family and when the other kids became wicked and disobeyed God, I did not. One day, God called me and told me to leave my family and my friends and go to a far away land that He would show me. I had to decide if I loved God more than my family and my friends, I had to choose to obey God or to disobey him.

Memory Verse: By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place. Heb. 11:8

  • How about you? Will you obey God? Do you love God enough to obey Him?

Altar Call
  • Individual Counseling for Salvation – (Sherry & Jimmy)
  • Deeper commitment-for ones remaining.

Father Abraham Song

Sword training-
  • Put names in Bibles
  • Look up memory verses to this point

  • Candy for Bibles (to be given getting off bus)-Marie, Ann
  • Willie George Salvation Materials- Sherry
  • Cha-cha Slide/CD player – Ann

Books of the New Testament

Kingdom Kids RC

Books of the Bible

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved unto God….
Call on a few of the children to go over the memory verse with the motions. - Bev

Welcome - Welcome and recognize any new children and tonight we will recognize a new teacher to our group – Mrs. Kathy Bohannon. We will give the children the opportunity to tell their names to Mrs. Kathy. (Gail)

Key Concept:
Importance on how to use the Bible
Knowing the New Testament Books

Go over Rules: Respect, Hands Down, Participate (Gail)

Activity: Ball Pass – the children will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will go to one corner of the room and form a circle. Adults will also get in the circles with the children. The Moderator will give an adult a large ball. The adult will hand the ball over their head to the next child in line. That child will call out Matthew and then that child will pass the ball through their legs to the next child and they will call out Mark and then pass to the next one over the head and that child will call out Luke. The group will keep passing the ball over the head and through the legs until all the books have been called out through Revelations. If the child does not remember the book, the whole group will call out the answer. (Gail)


Sword Training: Moderator will go over the rules. First remember our rule of respect when someone is talking or you will not be able to hear the scripture given out. Moderator will have a bowl containing strips of paper with scriptures on them. Moderator will pick one from the bowl and read it aloud to the group. Call out words slow and be precise where children can understand your words. The child who finds the scripture first will stand and read the scripture when others find the scripture.
This gives them opportunities to find book, chapter and verse but it also gives them an opportunity to read aloud before the group. Teacher will follow along in each group just in case they need help with words. Know your group if you know of someone who cannot read. Do something different. If you see that the same person finds the scripture every time. Change your rule in midstream. Create opportunities for others to read. You may choose the 2nd or 3rd person to read the scripture. Keep score on the board by group
(Sherrie & Kathy)

Summarize (Bev)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Unit: God is Love
God Created Me

Sunday/Wednesday November 9th and November 12th.

Power Verse: God made me
The students will have a better understanding that God created Adam, Eve, and their families.
Vocabulary: Created (made), purpose (job)
Early Arrival Activity (whole group):
The students will start creating a classroom banner by adding something to the banner each service. This will be done over a period of time.

Game: duck, duck ( then they say a person's name that they know)

Memory Verse (Susan)

Offering: Rita

Bible Story (whole group-babies return to nursery)

Puppet skit-telling the story of Adam of Eve (Matthew/Bill-Sunday) (Betty & Rita-Wednesday)

Crafts/Activities (small group based on age)

Group1 (4 yrs. - kindergarten) and Group 2 (2-3 yrs.)
Students create a banner using finger paint ( this craft is the opening activity)

Can put a handprint on the banner with assistance from the teachers

Snack: fish crackers


  • old sheet
  • finger paint (washable)
  • paint shirts
Kingdom Principle: God created us to be creative

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stretch me God - Part 2 - Teens

Conceptual Framework

How does God Stretch us?
  • challenges us to draw near to Him
  • Jam 4:7-8 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
  • Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse [your] hands, [ye] sinners; and purify [your] hearts, [ye] double minded.
How do we draw near?
  • Spend time with Him.
  • Prayer
  • Worship
  • Reading the Bible
  • Showing up at church

  • • challenges us to be sick of the averageness of our life.
  • Jam 4:9 - Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and [your] joy to heaviness
How do we get sick of our averageness?
  • Expose yourself to something greater.
  • Become self aware of what we are already doing
  • Pray for a higher standard.

• Get over yourself.
  • Jam 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
  • How do you get over yourself?
  • Serving others.
  • Doing the little things that aren’t about how great you are.

• Act like Jesus.
  • Jam 4:11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of [his] brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
How do you DWJD?
  • First be aware of Him in you.
  • Second, be aware of others around you.
  • Third, step out on what He’s given you.

This is the process of God “Stretching” us. James walks through the steps to seeing it happen. First, resist the devil. Then Draw nigh unto God. Then Get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Then humble yourself. Then walk in love.

How do we stretch without ending up sounding like Alvin? (from Alvin and chipmunks)
  • Stretching isn’t just intensifying a previous sound
  • We must find a new sound.
  • The new sound we find in our relationship with God.
  • In serving others
  • In something different from what we’ve always done.
Summarizing - 5 main areas God wants to stretch us.
  1. Resist the Devil
  2. Relationship with God. DRAW NIGH!
  3. Let God give you a divine “Sickness”
  4. Get over yourself … your past, present, strength, and weakness
  5. Act like Jesus.

Actual Plan

Open with Announcements.

Quick review of last week.

Aerobics man: (roughly 5-8 minutes)
Aerobics warm up. Aerobicizer. Quick silly skit with Jay. He’s our “aerobics man” who takes us through some stretching. Be as silly as he can be. Shorts over his jeans, headband, etc etc.

Key purpose… to fundamentally introduce the concept of stretching in a fun way.
To break the traditional mindset of stretching being this weird thing that we can’t wrap words around.

How Potential Energy Works: ILLUSTRATED MESSAGE
  • JAMES 4:-7-9 Requires Resistance. Without potential energy you will never have kinetic energy.

God wants to stretch you before He can let you go. He can’t use you effectively until first he can stretch you! Stretching is about creating potential in your own life.
It’s at the place of brokenness that God begins to release the potential that is inside of us.
But before the brokenness there is always the stretching.

Resistance is key.
ROPE ACTIVITY. This will cover both Resistance and Tension.

Pull out Rope and show it. How much energy is there in this rope right now?
Very little, it’s just laying there.

The first thing God has us do is Resist the devil. Get a crew up to be our place of resistance. They just hold the rope.

How much energy is there in the rope now?
Still very little. It’s just got an anchor which it didn’t have before.

2. Next Step… Draw Near unto God.
Begin to walk away from the rope. Pull up someone to “draw near” to God.

Start walking the other way. DRAW NEAR TO GOD. The stake in the ground is the first piece to creating potential in your life.

The second is to start moving the opposite way! DRAW NEAR.

Now how much tension is there in the rope?
What is the tension in your life?

3. Tension is where the energy comes from.
That uncomfortable tension invades every part of your life.
What are things in your life that should make you uncomfortable? Give papers to every kid to write down the top 2 things that God is making them sick and tired of in their life.

Softly play some music in the background while they think about this.

The closer we get to God the more tension it will create in our lives if we resist the devil.
Tension is just energy waiting to be let go.

Review how do we create potential energy in your life.

  • #1. Resist the Devil
  • #2. Draw near to God.
  • #3. The tension of the movement is the Potential energy. This creates a “uncomfortable tension”.

Kinetic Energy – Unlocking the potential that you build through brokenness.
  • James 4: 10-11 Kinetics is based off of movement. With the potential energy, then the kinetics is in the movement.

Dance for the teens. Alvin Music (Apologize - Alvin and the Chipmunks Version).
All movement is created by tension. Our muscles are attached to our bones by ligaments. Those ligaments resist. The muscles then act like Velcro and create tension against each other. Then to move we break the bonds of those muscles and as they break energy is released and we begin to move.


There are 2 main areas God BREAKS US!

2 areas we move.
  1. How we serve.
  • Jhn 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
  • a. Talk about service opportunities at the church.
  • b. Talk about service opportunities in their schools
  • c. Talk about service opportunities in their HOME.

You can change your world. Talk about Hoops of Hope. Talk about To Write Love on her Arms. Ask them about orgs. that they know of.

Pose a few ideas that they could do (running for money)… start a blog…. INVITE PEOPLE TO CHURCH! INTRODUCE PEOPLE TO JESUS!

  • 1 Timothy 4:12 – Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity!!!
  • a. In our character.
  • b. In our attitude.
  • c. In our hearts.
  • d. In our purity

Address being hooked up in services. Address consistent attendance.

Altar Call –
3 Parts
  1. If you have never been born again, it starts by resisting the devil and moving toward Jesus and the first step is to be born again.
  2. Lay down the 2 things that God is pointing out with the tension in your life. Repent. Start by resisting the devil in those areas. Second RUN TOWARDS GOD.
  3. If you say I commit to the first two and I’ve tried to begin to move towards God, but every time I try it seems as if I just fall out and can’t stick with it. God has a grace that is available for you as well. Grace is His ability and desire to help you through whatever challenge He is exposing you to!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

God Created Me

Sunday/Wednesday November 2nd, and November 5th Preschool department

Memory Verse/Power Verse:
God Made Me

Objective: The students will have a better understanding of the fact that God created them, their families, and the animals.

Vocabulary: created (made)

Early Arrival Activity (whole group):
  • Assign students as animals and Adam (Matthew)name them
  • Game: Duck, Duck, Bear (or other animal names) then they have to chase that person back to their spot.

Praise/Worship (whole group-including babies when possible)-Matthew and Wanda

Bible Story (whole group-babies return to nursery):
God Created the Animals (God-Matthew)
  • Show pictures of the animals as God calls them forth onto the land using PowerPoint (10 slides with the animal sounds)
Crafts/Activities (small group based on age):

  • Group 1 (4yrs. - kindergarten)
Craft: The students will create and name thier own animal using animal parts and paper plates
Back up: students use floam to create animals

Craft: students will create animal masks

  • Group 2 (2-3 yrs)
Craft: The students will create and name thier own animal using animal parts and paper plates
Back up: students use floam to create animals

Craft: students will create animal masks

  • Babies:
Look at pictures of cats and dogs

Snacks: Animal crackers


Animal PowerPoint (Ronda)
Animal Body Parts (Ronda)
Animal Costumes (Bill)
Real Animals:
  • Gecko-Lauren
  • Declawed/laid back cat-Ronda
  • Cockateil-Matthew
Kingdom Principle: God created us to be creative

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stretch Me God! - Teen Room

GUTS – Wed Night – Oct 22, 2008 - Stretch me God!

Conceptual Framework

1. There’s more in you.
  • a. What’s already in you?
  • b. How do I know there is more?
  • i. I can do more than I think.
  • ii. Other people put a demand on it.
  • iii. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or think.
  • 1. Ephesians 3:20 (He does it according to the power working in us)

2. Put yourself through a process that stretches you.
  • a. “Danielson” thinking. Wax on Wax off. Little Things prep you for big things.
  • b. Something doesn’t just sit still and get stretched. You’ve gotta move
  • c. “Systems” in your life should “routinely” stretch you.
  • i. The environment you create for yourself…
3. What If I stretch too far?
  • a. God’s loves a contrite spirit. (A CRUSHED AND BROKEN SPIRIT) Ps. 34:18, and
  • Ps 51:17
  • b. God wants to break you!
  • c. How does it feel to be broken?
  • i. How do you know when you’re broken?
  • 1. When the pieces of you don’t fit the way as smooth as they used to.
  • 2. When the shape of you doesn’t look the same.
  • 3. When you realize just how much of a mess you are… and you just wanna “sweep” you up.
  • 4. 1 Cor 11:24 Jesus stretched too the point His body and His spirit were broken!

4. Starts w/ a Crazy Decision
  • a. Getting in the cage is INSANE.
  • b. Insane Faith is hinged on an Insane Belief in an “Insane God”.

5. Run for Him w/ all you have (seek 1st the kingdom)
  • a. What’s getting in the way?
  • b. BURN IT, Break it, trash it, leave it on the altar… stop playing with it. Romans 12:1 (Living sacrafice)

6. Cry Out!
  • a. Allow the Fear of God to cleanse and purge you!
  • i. The Fear of the Lord is Clean
  • ii. The Fear of the Lord is as a sweet smell
  • iii. The Fear of the Lord is Holy!
  • b. A passionate cry is more real than anything else.
  • i. The Blind man crying out for Jesus.
  • c. BE what you claim to be.

Background Resources

Stretching Verses

Moses had to stretch for His hand. Normal moving of his hand wouldn’t create the results but he had to STRETCH to see God move! Everytime Moses Stretched God moved with him!!!
Exd 3:20
And I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he will let you go.
Exd 7:5
And the Egyptians shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
Exd 7:19
And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and [that] there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in [vessels of] wood, and in [vessels of] stone.
Exd 8:5
And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and cause frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt.
Exd 8:16
And the LORD said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt.
Exd 9:15
For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth.
Exd 9:22
And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch forth thine hand toward heaven, that there may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, and upon beast, and upon every herb of the field, throughout the land of Egypt.
Exd 10:12
And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, [even] all that the hail hath left.
Exd 10:21
And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness [which] may be felt.
Exd 14:16
But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry [ground] through the midst of the sea.
Exd 14:26
And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen.

Key Verse:

Mat 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Challenging Questions (for me) –
Where are you not stretching yourself? Why?
Why don’t you have “insane” faith? Is it because you depend more on your intellect than putting trust in God?
Do you have a vision from God?
If you aren’t believing on Him, then you probably don’t truly believe IN HIM!
What Crazy thing are you doing to cry out for God in your life?


Point and Stretch
How far behind you can you point?
Can you point a little bit further?

Tie back – There’s More in you!

Stretch us God
Everyone line up outside. How far do we reach? Now everyone spread out and stretch as far apart as you can? How far do we reach? Can we make it a little bit further?

Tie back – There’s More in you! Other People put a demand on it.

Hold your breath

Stretch… there’s more inside you. Walk through the expanding your time process.

Tie Back – There is a process for stretching yourself. It may be different for some people but there is always a process.

What are the things that keep us from holding our breath longer?
Ask the teens. Why? Internal or external problem?

Rubber band Snapping

How far will your rubber band stretch without breaking?
How far do you think you can stretch without breaking?
How do you know that’s as far as it will go?

Why not be broken? Pull until it breaks.
What does it feel like when it breaks?
It stings, it hurts, it’s a sudden release of major pressure.

Tie Back – God is looking for someone who will be broken. Because he can use broken people. But the only way to become broken is to truly stretch! (Last 4 points of CF)

Summary & Call to Action
Insane change starts with an insane Faith
Believe God for something that will break you!

Examine my heart played by Ricky and an Altar call!
Altar call is an opportunity for an “insane” consecration!

Everyday we need to cry out to God to break us. Not just tonight. What are you going to do tomorrow to ask God to break you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Testament Books - Kingdom Kids RC


Topic: New Testament Books

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God….
What do the children think this means? Put motions to the verse, let the children come up with motions. Go over verse 2 or 3 times with the motions.

Opening Activity: Each table will have a set of blocks with the books of the New Testament books on them. Each group will work together as a team to see who can put the books in order starting with Matthew. Each group may use a bookmarker with books on them or the table of contents in their Bible if they need help in getting the blocks in order. The table that finishes first will receive a Kingdom Buck. After activity is over the whole group will go over the books in order without the teachers helping them. Call on one of the children to lead the group. Encourage them to say the books real loud.

Again moderator will emphasize the memory verse. Choose some of the kids to illustrate the verse.

New Testament Relay: Moderator will divide the children into two teams and assigning 2 children as team captains, one for each group. The two teams will compete against each other. Moderator will give instructions to the teams. When the whistle blows the captains of these teams walk backwards to the boards on opposite sides of the room and they will write the first book of the New Testament on the board. Next person has to wait until the one in front of them gets back to hand off the marker to them they have to hop to the Board. Each person will alternate backwards and hopping to the board. Spelling is not important as them trying and getting the books in order. They are working together without any tools (bookmarker/bible). Team that finishes first will receive a Kingdom Buck! We will challenge them in working together as a team. Watch for teachable moments! After relay is over, teachers take your group to a corner in the room and debrief with them. Some questions you may ask: Was this activity hard? Did this activity help you learn more of the books of the New Testament that you did not know? Did you have fun with this activity? If you had the opportunity, would you like to do the activity again and why? These are just a guide, you may have some better. Did you see any teachable moments? This is the time to bring those up and talk about them with the group.

Welcome: Recognize any new person(s) to your group. Make a big to do over them.
Prayer and then introduce our next activity Sword Training.

Sword Training: Moderator will go over the rules. First remember our rule of respect when someone is talking or you will not be able to hear the scripture given out. Moderator will have a bowl containing strips of paper with scriptures on them from the New Testament. Moderator will pick one from the bowl and read it aloud to the group. Call out words slow and be precise where children can understand your words. The child who finds the scripture first will stand and read the scripture when others find the scripture.
This gives them opportunities to find book, chapter and verse but it also gives them an opportunity to read aloud before the group. Teacher will follow along in each group just in case they need help with words. Know your group if you know of someone who cannot read. Do something different. If you see that the same person finds the scripture every time. Change your rule in midstream. Create opportunities for others to read. You may choose the 2nd or 3rd person to read the scripture. Keep score on the board by group.
Debrief within your group. Is it getting easier to find the scriptures from when we first started last week? Do you like to read? Give some reasons why we need to know how to read in general? Why do we need to read the bible?

Summarize for the night
Go over the memory verse again.