Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Testament Books - Kingdom Kids RC


Topic: New Testament Books

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God….
What do the children think this means? Put motions to the verse, let the children come up with motions. Go over verse 2 or 3 times with the motions.

Opening Activity: Each table will have a set of blocks with the books of the New Testament books on them. Each group will work together as a team to see who can put the books in order starting with Matthew. Each group may use a bookmarker with books on them or the table of contents in their Bible if they need help in getting the blocks in order. The table that finishes first will receive a Kingdom Buck. After activity is over the whole group will go over the books in order without the teachers helping them. Call on one of the children to lead the group. Encourage them to say the books real loud.

Again moderator will emphasize the memory verse. Choose some of the kids to illustrate the verse.

New Testament Relay: Moderator will divide the children into two teams and assigning 2 children as team captains, one for each group. The two teams will compete against each other. Moderator will give instructions to the teams. When the whistle blows the captains of these teams walk backwards to the boards on opposite sides of the room and they will write the first book of the New Testament on the board. Next person has to wait until the one in front of them gets back to hand off the marker to them they have to hop to the Board. Each person will alternate backwards and hopping to the board. Spelling is not important as them trying and getting the books in order. They are working together without any tools (bookmarker/bible). Team that finishes first will receive a Kingdom Buck! We will challenge them in working together as a team. Watch for teachable moments! After relay is over, teachers take your group to a corner in the room and debrief with them. Some questions you may ask: Was this activity hard? Did this activity help you learn more of the books of the New Testament that you did not know? Did you have fun with this activity? If you had the opportunity, would you like to do the activity again and why? These are just a guide, you may have some better. Did you see any teachable moments? This is the time to bring those up and talk about them with the group.

Welcome: Recognize any new person(s) to your group. Make a big to do over them.
Prayer and then introduce our next activity Sword Training.

Sword Training: Moderator will go over the rules. First remember our rule of respect when someone is talking or you will not be able to hear the scripture given out. Moderator will have a bowl containing strips of paper with scriptures on them from the New Testament. Moderator will pick one from the bowl and read it aloud to the group. Call out words slow and be precise where children can understand your words. The child who finds the scripture first will stand and read the scripture when others find the scripture.
This gives them opportunities to find book, chapter and verse but it also gives them an opportunity to read aloud before the group. Teacher will follow along in each group just in case they need help with words. Know your group if you know of someone who cannot read. Do something different. If you see that the same person finds the scripture every time. Change your rule in midstream. Create opportunities for others to read. You may choose the 2nd or 3rd person to read the scripture. Keep score on the board by group.
Debrief within your group. Is it getting easier to find the scriptures from when we first started last week? Do you like to read? Give some reasons why we need to know how to read in general? Why do we need to read the bible?

Summarize for the night
Go over the memory verse again.

1 comment:

Ken Hendrix said...

Did you have a list of Key Concepts that helped drive you? If so can you post those as well? It's an awesome lesson plan, how did you order the night and what were your driving purposes that you were trying to get the kids to leave knowing?