Wednesday, July 02, 2008

One year and 57 days later the journey continues

So it has been a long long journey. Wow.

It's amazing how one single event in your life can turn your entire world so upside down that it changes everything about how you act, what you do, and even to some extent who you think you are. Since the last time I posted so many things have changed... but I'm excited to be back.

Change Addicts will be taking on an additional flavor to our mix. New authors will be joining us as well as some new topics. This is going to become a full fledge coaching blog for leaders from around the world. Here you will get practical training in how to be better facilitators, better communicators, and better leaders. It's certainly not that I have all the answers, but in this community there will be voices to help you refine not only your theory but your strategy as you take on every aspect of your individual journey.

You will see lesson plans for coaching children and teenagers, you will hear techniques on how to deal with specific situations and of course you'll have your usual inciting blogs by yours truly! I'm excited... I can't wait to see what kind of community we create this time. I'll introduce you to our new authors as you meet them and I look forward to meeting you as well!

So post your heart out, share your true feelings, and don't hold anything back... let's take a leap and unveil the true revolution that God has called us to!

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