Thursday, November 06, 2008

Books of the New Testament

Kingdom Kids RC

Books of the Bible

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved unto God….
Call on a few of the children to go over the memory verse with the motions. - Bev

Welcome - Welcome and recognize any new children and tonight we will recognize a new teacher to our group – Mrs. Kathy Bohannon. We will give the children the opportunity to tell their names to Mrs. Kathy. (Gail)

Key Concept:
Importance on how to use the Bible
Knowing the New Testament Books

Go over Rules: Respect, Hands Down, Participate (Gail)

Activity: Ball Pass – the children will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will go to one corner of the room and form a circle. Adults will also get in the circles with the children. The Moderator will give an adult a large ball. The adult will hand the ball over their head to the next child in line. That child will call out Matthew and then that child will pass the ball through their legs to the next child and they will call out Mark and then pass to the next one over the head and that child will call out Luke. The group will keep passing the ball over the head and through the legs until all the books have been called out through Revelations. If the child does not remember the book, the whole group will call out the answer. (Gail)


Sword Training: Moderator will go over the rules. First remember our rule of respect when someone is talking or you will not be able to hear the scripture given out. Moderator will have a bowl containing strips of paper with scriptures on them. Moderator will pick one from the bowl and read it aloud to the group. Call out words slow and be precise where children can understand your words. The child who finds the scripture first will stand and read the scripture when others find the scripture.
This gives them opportunities to find book, chapter and verse but it also gives them an opportunity to read aloud before the group. Teacher will follow along in each group just in case they need help with words. Know your group if you know of someone who cannot read. Do something different. If you see that the same person finds the scripture every time. Change your rule in midstream. Create opportunities for others to read. You may choose the 2nd or 3rd person to read the scripture. Keep score on the board by group
(Sherrie & Kathy)

Summarize (Bev)

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