Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ahh language wreaks destruction again!




Each of these wonderful words has multiple meanings. The english language is a trap. It's often a loop that traps full discusion because your mind puts things together differently from mine.

Let's try something. I want you to read this, then close your eyes and picture a dog. After you picture it for a moment open your eyes and continue reading.
Ok go for it.

Ok, what kind of dog did you see? I saw a little pickanese (I hate those little mutts, who knows why I pictured one). I bet some of you saw an entirely different kind of dog. Mine was red. I bet you didn't see that one coming, did you?

So why did I have you do that? Because language has unique and diverse meanings to all of us. It gets in the way of relationship, and yet you cannot have relationship without it.

Anger,for me, is not an action. It is not yelling and screaming (although it can precipitate that), and it is not being out of control. Anger, to me, is a position of intentional frustration. It is caused by a recognition of potential versus manfiestation. Anger comes about when the standard is above the actual. It's not the spur of the moment reaction though, that is madness. Anger is a intetional expression of irritation at the present reality versus the future potential.

Maybe this helps? Just let us know. It's certainly a safe place to swing from your pendulum no matter which direction you are extreme.

And I'm gonna leave the lust comment alone for now. LOL. Another great post Andy!

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