Monday, August 07, 2006


I find that many questions in my life concerning my relationship with others come automatically. I do not have to spend monumental hours thinking of all the right questions to ask. I can see where you are wrong and need to change. I might ask you the question that challenges your ignorance, or I may choose to keep it to myself and allow you to continue in your life of blaring ignorance. I can see clearly from my high and lofty position the subtle imperfections that limit your downtrodden existence.

The questions that elude me are the ones concerning myself. I seem to be gifted in the area of masterminding my own deception. I ignore the most important questions that hover just below conscious thought. Questions like, “Why does it hurt when someone challenges my belief system? Why do I become angry when things aren’t going according to my plan?”

Ignore-ance:- the art and act of ignoring.( My definition, don’t know if it is in the dictionary. I would look it up, but that would take away some of my ignorance.) Yes, I am good at it. Yes, I accuse others of it and that some how makes it ok for me to do it. Yes, I am the great ignoramus. I ignore the questions that really matter. My deception would be complete if it were not for the high and lofty people around me looking into my downtrodden existence and illuminating those subtle imperfections that limit my potential.

I do not know who the first ignorant man or woman was, but they were a great leader. The whole human race seems to be touched by their influence. As a true father of the faith, they have reproduced themselves rather effectively.

I have many people around me that ignore their own imperfections and constantly point out mine. I try to reciprocate faithfully. Working together, we have at least alleviated a small portion of our ignorance. “Thank You” to all the ignorant people in my life that believe that they are better and smarter than I am!


Anonymous said...

well, I did looked it up and ignorance is the state or fact of being ignorant. Then ignorant is the lacking of knowledge or comprehension of something. Also it can be unaware or uninformed. But these definitions are not correct with the context in which you are using them. Being ignorant has become an excuse for a person's own faults. Because like you said ignorance is the art of ignoring. A person can claim ignorance about a problem when it's about him or herself. But it amazes me when the same problem is found among others they do not ignore it. I know I have done this and I amaze myself of the actions I take to ignore a problem. Ignorance can be seen as an art form. And it's being taught to the next generation far as the eye can see.

Ken Hendrix said...

Ouch! Hey I thought I was the one who broke words down. Don't use my strategies against me! I like being ignorant. I just like thinking I'm changing, don't make me really do it!

Ken Hendrix said...

Wow you have gotta check out this post. We must be careful that we don't confuse ignorance and incompetence. Check out the 8th question that Seth answers and his value of failing and incompetence!

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all those people in my life that do not let me be ignorant. Thank you for challenging me. Thank you for not letting me settle.

Andy Coker said...

I dare not think that my exclusive experiences apply to every individual or to every similar situation that some one faces. I only know what I know. I must then realize that my knowledge has to be limited to my exposure of people and places.

My post on ignorance was not on ignorance at all, but on the fact that I rely on the relationships around me to love me enough to tell me the truth about the way they see things and the way they see me. I know we are not suppose to judge others but I want people judging me. My level of ignorance will only be lessened when I allow people to speak into my life. It does not matter to me if they are polite or rude. That I hear the truth is. I would like people to be polite, but if they are not I can still hear the truth of what is being said and change accordingly.

There are many voices in the world and none without significance. If I want to change and grow I have to stop ignoring the voices in my life. I cannot change the ignorance I know nothing about. However, I can stop ignoring the voices that challenge me to give more of myself. I can stop ignoring the voices that challenge me to deny my own desires and live a life in servitude. Many of those voices come from my peers. They have hurt me repeatedly. They help shine a light on my ignorance. It is then my choice to move out of the fog. In short, no one knows everything but everybody knows something. I just have to position myself to draw it out.

Anonymous said...

Andy, what do you to position yourself to draw things out of others?

Andy Coker said...

First, I dont get hung up on people. I have to ask myself "can I get the same information from someone that is closer to me than the person I'm trying to pursue?" If i can, I have saved myself time and effort as well as saving others time and effort.
Second, I have to have some idea of the information I'm looking for or some idea about what I'm missing. In other words, I have to do my home work ahead of time so that my questions are directed toward a target. I may find that the target changes as the conversation progresses, but at least I have a good starting point.
There are some other do and dont's that I generally live by, but this should be enough to get you started.