Monday, September 18, 2006

does it matter?

It occurs to me that in matters both great and small, everything matters. You might think that they don’t but rest assured they do. I can of course only speak for myself, but curiously enough I have observed similar patterns in the lives of others also. What matters to me may not matter to you, but nonetheless it still matters. With varying weights and measures we all count the cost and prioritize our life daily. We also reap the benefits and the rewards of the things we give our time to. Our time is an investment in what we give it to. Time is, as they say, money. With that said, maybe we should ask some of our questions differently. If time is really money, how much money do I give my spouse, friends, family, work, business, and God? At the end of the day who has the most money? Does it matter?


Anonymous said...

Because everything and everyone that has ever mattered or meant anything to me has either left me or fallen apart... why make it matter to me? What's the point? The only thing you can say then is, "God, You're the Only One that matters to me." -The other "things" are nothing compared to Him. (Even though it may not feel like it)

Anonymous said...

But if you think about it, if time is money - how much of it do we waste or just blow.
I was thinking about every thing matters, even the things that we say don't matter, if you think about it... it matters that it doesn't matter!

Anonymous said...

It's not sacrifice if "it doesn't matter." It's not surrendering if "it doesn't matter."
So, needless to say, "Ouch-ee"