Monday, September 25, 2006

Politics - ???

Politics. Such a dirty word today.

Government politics, business politics, office politics, sports politics. Everyone seems to be politicking all the time.

I get tired of politics. Especially when it's actually approval addiction hidden in the guise of politics.

Actually there is nothing wrong with politics. All it is, is the techne(art) of working with the Polis (the city state). The problem is that it is an art and most people are trying to use finger paint.

Others want paint by number.

While others are just throwing buckets of paint.

I've decided that I can't quite "playing" politics, but I can quit throwing buckets. And the next person that throws a bucket at me, I'm gonna use my art skills to paint them.

I'm not mad and vindictive, but I can only play by the rules that other people will allow. Not for my personal life, but for dealing with them. For example, I can't teach an english only speaker by speaking in Japanese. I must use their language and system to gradually teach them a better way. However, that probably means I'm gonna have to take their paint buckets and paint them using my techne until they realize that there has to be a better way. OR until I paint them into something I actually don't want to kill.



Anonymous said...

Ken, what in the world are you talking about? Politics? What about politics? What is good about it, or bad about it? Why this topic of all the topics in the world? Just curious...

Ken Hendrix said...

Because I am the evil genius. Hehehahaha heheahahaha hehe hahaha.

Just kidding. There's more to come.

Anonymous said...

Come on Ken! Preach it! That's GOOD STUFF! The "church world" is the best at all the different political games. If that's your motivation, then PLEASE leave me OUT! Everybody wants to put the other person down to make themselves look better. Not just that, but that's just an example. GIVE ME A BREAK! What you see in them is exactly what it is in YO'SELF!!! What's funny is, we DON'T even SEE it when we are playing the political game! We always think it's the other person!