Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Some of the Best from the Best

In light of reaching our 50th post, I thought I would share with the rest of the non-detailed world (ie those of you who don't read the comments) some of the greatest thoughts on some of our previous posts. I'll start with more recent posts and work backwards... to get the full effect you will need to go back and read the post and the comments in context.

More prevalent than AIDS and more rampant than Bird Flu… CEO DISEASE!
wife of paul said...
I think one of our biggest problems on this subject is we think we "know" ourselves. We were brought up to be a certain way, we conformed to the norm in school, we believed the crap that our "friends" spewed out about us, we had a list of people we had to get approval from and somewhere in that mix we either lost who we really were, or in most cases we never even had the chance to know who we really were to begin with.

I’m A Lustful Person Part 2
Em said...
The only people that make any kind of impression on me are the passionate ones. I have never really thought about it, but the only people I even remember are the ones who are different. What could be more becoming who I am, loving what I love so passionately that others see it, and are changed by it. My goal, my heart, is for me to fulfill by purpose, but more than that for others to fulfill their purpose. And how do you do that? I don't remember hearing of a book that will tell the you the 12 steps to making others a success. If I am truly doing what I was sent here to do, I really do believe it will leave an impression on others, without me having to say anything. I will not have to write a book about my life, or go around announcing my passions to everyone, being who I was designed to be will be sufficent.
I am only getting frustated now, because lanuage is limiting in trying to convey what I am feeling. I am just going to be me, continue to grow and change, pursue my purpose, no matter what the cost. That is all I have to offer.

Anonymous said...
The way I see it is there are over 6 billion people on the planet, 99.9% of which are doing the same thing. Why not be different? Obviously, if what 6 billion people were doing was the RIGHT thing, the world would look nothing like it does now. I think one lie we sometimes fall prey to is that "there's no room for me and my idea". That's idiocy. There's no room for "just another idea", but your passion about what you represent will make room for it!

wife of paul said...
Lust is defined as "an intense longing or craving," or "to have an intense desire or need." Passion in and of itself is not what we strive for. Some people say they want or need more passion, but really passion is not what we are ultimately after. It's what we have the strong desire for, what we crave, and what we need that actually fuels our passion. If you think about it, the people with the most passion are always looking for something more, they draw from those around them, they grow, they change. But those with little or no passion always seem to be the ones that "have all the answers" and never feel the need to pursue something or someone greater than themselves. Or on the opposite end of the spectrum, those who are so glum and "woe is me" all the time. Both only focus on themselves. I think to have passion, to truly have passion, is when what you desire and crave and need ultimately is not about you, it is about those around you. It is about the things you want to do. The things you want to change. Many of the things that I am passionate about have little or no benefit to me. It is seeing those passions come into reality that is the reward. It is seeing an entire third world nation change
that is the reward. It is establishing God's kingdom in a territory that has been the most backward in that state that is the reward. To me, my passions are not about what I strive for for myself, they are about what I lay myself down for in order to achieve. That is how I determine passion.

There were more great ones on this post... check them out!

There isn't room for all the angry, intense, and thoughtful comments on these posts... you will just have to backtrack and check them out.... this is GREAT STUFF!!!

Putting Passionate People in Purposeful Systems - pt 1

Lay down, shut up, and die!

Monday, July 24, 2006 (check the archives)
Angry people rule the world!
- This one got some passion stirred up.

I want to conclude by saying thank you to all of you guys who read and leave your mark here. Your comments inspire and push me on to greater things and more posts. The way I see it, there is no "wrong answers" in the posts... yes sometimes I think you are very wrong in what you say, but the fact of the matter is the comment is how you feel. Your feelings may not be right, but they are your feelings. I love to deal with what is really in you and see if we can work through things together, so that we all come out as something greater and stronger! Thank you all for your comments and for sharing your heart... and KEEP ON CHANGING!

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